Saturday, 16 August 2014

Seoul, Korea - Sant'Egidio attending the appointments of Pope Francis’s visit

The representatives of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Asia too - from Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, Cambodia - are attending the appointments of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit that is taking place on these days in Korea. 
“Here in Seoul, we are many, engaged in several activities: we have moments of prayer for peace and reconciliation, and then meetings with the poor”, said one of the Sant’Egidio
participants to Radio Vatican. “We live the joy of being part of the beautiful church in Asia, definitely alive, which has the same breath of the other Christians in the world. A church that stresses the value of life, here in Asia, communicating attention, love, closeness, especially to those who are weaker - I think of the poor, the elderly -. The Gospel is a joy and a responsibility for every disciple, as well for us, the youth”. 
If it is true that Asia is the future - or one of the many futures - of our world, actually we hope that the enthusiasm we have seen in the recent days, during Francis’ visit, the involvement of Christians or not, the desire to hear different words, of peace and solidarity, from the Pope, well, may all that be also a part of the days to come. May these feelings accompany a globalization that risks not to have a soul, a progress that risks to be just simply material, a desire for wealth that risks to make us blind towards the others. 

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