Friday, 29 April 2016

Treviso, Italy - A lunch and feast with those who have fled from war

The Youth for Peace of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Treviso celebrated on April 25th, feast of Liberation in Italy, with a dinner and a party along with refugees from many different countries, fleeing war or persecution. 

In an important day for Italy, which commemorates the liberation from the horrors of war and violence, the hope is that the dream of peace will spread to those living now the threaten and the sorrow of a new world war, even though "at pieces" (pope Francis).

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Bukavu, Dem. Rep. of Congo - A door that opens to mercy ...

The Community of Sant'Egidio of Bukavu before passing through the Holy Door of the city cathedral together with their friends, the poor. 

May this time to come be a time of mercy and peace for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the whole Africa.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Aversa, Italy - "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Mt 25)

The Community of Sant'Egidio organized in Aversa on the anniversary of that small town, together with Caritas, a hotel management school, other local associations, a lunch with migrants and refugees. 

In Aversa - but the same happens wherever a welcoming culture wins - the past and the present have met. As well Europe and Africa. Because, as Pope Francis said in his video message to the refugees of Astalli Center in Rome, "Every one of you who knock on our doors has the face of God. Treated as a burden, a problem, a cost, however you are a gift. Everyone of you can be a bridge between distant peoples".

Friday, 22 April 2016

Kiev, Ukraine - Friendship and support to the ones suffering for violence

Pope Francis recently said he thinks about "the drama of those who suffer the consequences of violence in Ukraine: of those remaining in the areas devastated by a war that have already caused several thousands of deaths, and those - over a million - urged to leave for the situation": "The ones suffering are especially the elderly and children. In addition to accompanying them with my constant thought and prayers, I decided to promote a humanitarian support in their favor ".
To this end, the Pope announced a "special money collection" in all Catholic churches in Europe for next Sunday. 

In the picture the friendship of the Sant'Egidio Community in Kiev for the elderly.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Goma, Dem. Rep. of Congo - Floribert and a memory that grows

On the grave of Floribert Bwana Chui, in Goma, a vase of flowers was placed, the one that the detainees of Secondigliano (Naples), touched by his story, had shaped to honor his memory. 

His witness of resistance against evil and corruption, of redemption in a wounded country, keeps striking, even very far from Kivu and Congo. 

Because, as Pope Francis said in Santa Marta preaching on April 7th, speaking of today's martyrs, "it is the testimony of Christians who live their life seriously and say, 'I can not do this, I can not do harm to another; I can not live a life in half, I have to give my testimony'".

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Brussels, Belgium - Men of faith and good will together for peace

Last Sunday, a month after the attacks of the Holy Week, a crowd of men and women of all faiths, people of peace and good will, adults and children, marched in the Belgian capital in order to say "No" to all violence, to proclaim the values of living together, integration, dialogue. 

Among the participants the Community of Sant'Egidio and its School of Peace.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Lima, Peru: "I was thirsty and you gave me to drink" (Mt: 25)

The School of Peace in Lima that gathers in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima participated in the Fair of Mercy organized for the second Sunday of Easter with a testimony about the service - made of hot soups, sandwiches, blankets and friendship - that children, teenagers, youth and adults prepare and live in favor of those who live on the street. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

Bucharest, Romania - A complex and difficult time, a time of prayer ...

In a difficult season like the one we are going through there is more need for a faithful, constant prayer for peace, the end of every violence, the spread of mercy. 

The Community of Sant'Egidio keep turning to the Lord, and looks with hope to the Pope Francis' visit to Lesbos, Greece, a sign of concrete ecumenism and welcoming for those fleeing war.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Kinama, Burundi - Easter time is a time of hope ...

Living the Resurrection means to keep hoping, as a people of humble and poor ones; youth, elderly and children. 

Even in a corner of Burundi, at a difficult time, while violence does not seem going to cease.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Berlin, Germany - A coming together of the Schools of Peace ...

Children and teenagers of the Schools of Peace of Munchen, Cologne, Bremen and Monchengladbach were guest of the one in Berlin!

Monday, 11 April 2016

Jakarta, Indonesia - "I was hungry and you gave me food" (Mt:25)

At the soup kitchen of the Community of Sant'Egidio in the Indonesian capital city. 

A testimony of mercy by a little people of Christians in a Muslim majority country.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Goma, Dem. Rep. of Congo - A child hope, to be accompanied and grown up

The children of the School of Peace of Goma will live what will have been transmitted to them. 

The Community of Sant'Egidio of the Democratic Republic of Congo dreams of a better future for them and for the whole country.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Historical pictures - One of the mediators for peace in Mozambique dies

The retired archbishop of Beira, Mgsr. Jaime Gonçalves died. 
A man of the Gospel and of peace, he was, with Andrea Riccardi, Msgr. Matteo Zuppi and Mario Raffaelli, a mediator in the negotiations at Sant'Egidio headquarter between the government and RENAMO that led on October 4th 1992 to the end to Mozambique's long civil war. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Managua, Nicaragua - Sant'Egidio pass through the Holy Door ...

In a Central America marked by widespread violence, youth and elderly of Sant'Egidio are betting on the opening to mercy and tenderness. 

Passing through the Holy Door is to imagine and put already in place a different path.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Kiev, Ukraine - Prayer as a source of peace ...

At the Regina Coeli of last Sunday pope Francis addressed his thought "to all peoples who are thirst for reconciliation and peace", naming specifically Ukraine and launching a money collection for those populations, so much affected by the consequences of war, and a call for peace. 

In the picture an image of the prayer for peace that Kiev Community of Sant'Egidio faithfully continues to carry on.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Rome, Italy - Visiting the prisoners ...

No one is so much in trouble that he/she can not relieve other's difficulties: the visit of the elderly (but not only ...) in the Roman prison of Rebibbia, women's section.
Next Mondays more pictures inspired by the works of mercy, in this Easter time of the Jubilee of Mercy.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Antwerp, Belgium - Among the ones who are thrown away, to build integration ...

The Youth for Peace of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Antwerp have visited the "jungles", the refugee camps of Calais and Dunkerque. 

To live the Easter of Resurrection is getting together in the outskirts of the world, to counter the culture of waste and build integration.