Friday, 27 February 2015

Liège, Belgium - A new soup kitchen for the poor “Kamiano”

Last week, on the occasion of the celebration of the 47th anniversary of Sant’Egidio, the community of Lièges inaugurated a new “Kamiano” home of solidarity with the poor, the second such home in Belgium. It includes a soup kitchen and rooms for shower services. This home will become a space of friendship, comfort and dignity for dozens of people without a home, for the elderly who live alone and the refugees that live in the Walloon city. 
The home bears the same name as the other, larger one, established several years ago in Antwerp. The name refers to the way the inhabitants of Molokai, one of Hawaii’s islands, would pronounce the name of the Belgian missionary Damian de Veuster, a friend and an apostle of the lepers of the Pacific: just like in those days, a new world can be born out of friendship with the people living at the geographic and existential margins of society. 

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