Monday, 25 January 2016

Goma, Dem. Rep. of Congo - Presentation of the book on Floribert Bwana Chui

In the very same town, Goma, North Kivu, where he was born and grew up, in the city where he gave his testimony of integrity and gratuitousness refusing to be bribed, despite the threats, for allowing the passage of food dangerous for people's health, it has been presented the book "Un chrétien face à la corruption", "A christian defying corruption", on the life and death of Floribert Bwana Chui, a member of Sant'Egidio. 

In the picture the greeting of the bishop to the presentation. In a few days, in fact, it will be issued an official Decree for the introduction of the cause of beatification for martyrdom of Floribert.

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