Thursday, 14 March 2019

Maputo, Mozambique - A dream to live, even as elderly ...

The Community of Sant'Egidio and the outskirts.
Zimpeto is a suburbian area of Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique. It is a populated area: plots and rents are cheaper, and many live there, in a mix of brick houses and huts, under real roofs or metal sheet.
In Zimpeto Sant’Egidio inaugurated the last of its Mozambican DREAM centers for treatment and prevention of AIDS. The DREAM activists - people in care, who now live well, and who are witnesses of a rebirth that makes them hope and dream - carry out a valuable commitment, both for the thousands of other patients and for the many situations of poverty in the neighborhood. 

Many of them, in particular, take care of visiting the elderly alone, of animating cultural and recreational activities, parties, etc., making sure that DREAM center is a reference point, and not just a health one, for the people who live in Zimpeto, and in particular for the poorest. 

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