Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Arusha (Tanzania) - The communities of Sant’Egidio commemorate the attack of three months ago praying for peace and reconciliation

A meeting of all of the communities of Sant’Egidio in Tanzania opened on the 2nd of August in remembrance of the attack that resulted in three victims and many others wounded at the beginning of May in Arusha, in the parish of Olasiti, dedicated to Saint Joseph the Artisan. That
day those present at the time of the attack included the bishop of Arusha and the Apostolic Nuntius in Tanzania. 
In the square facing the church, in front of the graves of those who died that morning of the month of May - a woman and two children - Sant'Egidio people and others prayed for the victims of evil, for the pacification of the hearts, for the establishment of a culture of coexistence and reconciliation.
Confronting the forces of evil and the clouds that are darkening the future of a society that has been - and still is to a large extent - a model of coexistence among different cultures and faiths, they wanted to reaffirm their confidence in the soft power of prayer. 
Sant'Egidio people and others sang the words of Psalm 85: “Love and truth will meet, justice and peace will kiss”. It has been reminded everyone the need to be instruments of peace in order to not squander the historical legacy of Tanzania but to transmit it to future generations, so that the heart of many may be transfigured, so that dialogue and coexistence sweep away all hatred and violence.  

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