Wednesday, 11 March 2015

San Salvador - On Radio Paz, Sant’Egidio presents “Conociendo a Mons. Romero” and talks about the Bishop and martyr soon to be beatified

As we approach the beatification of the Bishop and martyr Oscar Arnulfo Romero - the official announcement of the date of the ceremony to be held in San Salvador is expected soon - there is an increased desire to better understand the life, the passion, the message of he who was one of the most important personalities of the Latin American Church of the twentieth century. 

For this reason Radio Paz, the radio broadcaster of the archbishopric of San Salvador, asked the Community of Sant’Egidio of El Salvador to illustrate in a series of radio broadcasts the life of Mons. Romero, a pastor who gave his life to bear testament to his love for the Gospel, for the people entrusted to him and for the poor, during times and within a context that were highly polarized between guerrilla and repression. 
O the Community’s website,, you can hear the podcasts of the broadcasts which describe the entire journey of the archbishop, his death at the altar while
celebrating mass and the steps of the beatification process. The speaker is Jaime Aguilar, the head of Sant’Egidio in El Salvador.
The Community of Sant’Egidio rejoices with all of the people of El Salvador for the imminent beatification. This tribute is like an answer to the invocation of millions of Salvadorans who have over the years visited the tomb of their bishop, in the cathedral’s crypt, and of tens of millions of believers and men and women of good will from all over the world who saw him as a martyr for justice. “Killed for all those killed / […] killed because he became the people” David Maria Turoldo, an Italian religious poet used to sing. “Will it always be this way, Lord?” he asked himself. The upcoming beatification demonstrates the power of example of the martyr, life that springs out of his blood, the sign that violence and injustice are not the last word in the history of man and the world.

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